(The then) Department of Children, Schools and Families
(The then) Department of Education and Skills (DFES)
(The then) Department of Innovation, Universities and Skills
ABSA Bank South Africa
Private Sector
Organisational Development
Arts and Humanities Data Service and the Higher Education Funding Council
Public Sector
Education and Training
Austrian Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection
Social Inclusion / Community Cohesion
BASF (The Chemical Company)
Private Sector
Organisational Development
Leadership Development
Birmingham City Council
Local Government
Public Sector
Social Inclusion / Community Cohesion
Birmingham University
Public Sector
Education and Training
Brighton and Hove City Council
Local Government
Public Sector
Children Young People Schools and Families
Social Inclusion / Community Cohesion
British Council and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Central Government
Public Sector
Organisational Development
British Heart Foundation
Voluntary and Community
Health and Social Care
British Library Research and Innovation Centre
Public Sector
Education and Training
Cabinet Office
Central Government
Public Sector
Social innovation
Cabinet Office, Local Government Association and IDeA
Local Government
Public Sector
Social innovation
Cancer Research UK
Children's Centre in North West London
Voluntary and Community
Children Young People Schools and Families
Children’s Commissioner for Wales (Child Welfare & Care)
Voluntary and Community
Children Young People Schools and Families
Social Inclusion / Community Cohesion
Community Care Inform
Central Government
Public Sector
Voluntary and Community
Children Young People Schools and Families
Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs
Central Government
Public Sector
Social Inclusion / Community Cohesion
Department for Education (DfE)
Central Government
Public Sector
Children Young People Schools and Families
Department of Communites and Local Government (DCLG)
Local Government
Public Sector
Social Inclusion / Community Cohesion
Department of Communities and Local Government/ Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
Central Government
Public Sector
Social Inclusion / Community Cohesion
Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC)
Department of Health
Central Government
Public Sector
Health and Social Care
Children Young People Schools and Families
Department of Health, Big Lottery Fund
Central Government
Public Sector
Health and Social Care
Department of Health, ContinYou
Central Government
Public Sector
Health and Social Care
Department of Social Security and Department of Education and Employment
Central Government
Public Sector
Social Inclusion / Community Cohesion
Department of Transport
Central Government
Public Sector
Department of Transport (in partnership with Faber Maunsell)
Central Government
Public Sector
Department of Work and Pensions (DWP)
Central Government
Public Sector
Social Inclusion / Community Cohesion
Devon and Cornwall Constabulary
Public Sector
Organisational Development
DG Budget, European Commission
Health and Social Care
Social Inclusion / Community Cohesion
Knowledge society
Education and Training
DG ECHO, European Commission
Social Inclusion / Community Cohesion
DG Education and Culture, European Commission
Children Young People Schools and Families
Education and Training
DG Employment and Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, European Commission
Health and Social Care
Social Inclusion / Community Cohesion
Education and Training
DG Justice, Freedom and Security, European Commission
DG Regional Policy, European Commission
Knowledge society
DG Research, European Commission
Knowledge society
Durham District Councils
Local Government
Public Sector
Organisational Development
Ealing Council
Public Sector
Children Young People Schools and Families
Education and Training
Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC)
Public Sector
Health and Social Care
Education and Training
Employers’ Organisation for Local Government
Central Government
Public Sector
Esmee Fairbairn
Voluntary and Community
Social Inclusion / Community Cohesion
Eurofound: Foundation on living and working conditions, industrial relations and managing change in Europe
European Central Bank (ECB)
Organisational Development
European Commission
Knowledge society
Health and Social Care
Social Inclusion / Community Cohesion
Education and Training
European Institute of Gender Equality
European Patent Office (EPO)
Organisational Development
European Regional Development Fund
Families and Schools Together FAST®
Fathers Direct (Big Lottery Fund)
Public Sector
Social Inclusion / Community Cohesion
Forces in Mind Trust (FiMT)
FOSIG (Fourth Option Special Interest Group)
Local Government
Public Sector
Organisational Development
Gloucestershire Local Government Association
Local Government
Public Sector
Organisational Development
Hackney CVS (Community and Voluntary Services)
Health Authority
Local Government
Public Sector
Health and Social Care
HEFC/NFF Archives sub-committee
Public Sector
Education and Training
Public Sector
HEFCE Leadership Academy
Public Sector
Education and Training
Heritage Fund
High Speed Train 2
Central Government
Private Sector
Social Inclusion / Community Cohesion
Home Office
Horsham District Council
Local Government
Public Sector
Organisational Development
Hounslow Homes
Public Sector
Organisational Development
Local Government
Public Sector
Organisational Development
Leadership Development
International Centre for Social Franchising
ISEC Programme of DG Justice and Home Affairs Prevention of and fight against Crime
Public Sector
Knowledge society
Joint Research Centre - Institute for Prospective Technological Studies
Knowledge society
Joseph Rowntree Foundation
Kings Fund
Voluntary and Community
Health and Social Care
Leadership Centre for Local Government
Local Government
Public Sector
Education and Training
Local Authorities Coordination of Regulatory Services (LACORS)
Local Government
Public Sector
Organisational Development
Local Government Association
Local Government
Public Sector
London Borough of Havering
London Borough of Hounslow
Local Government
Public Sector
Health and Social Care
Social Inclusion / Community Cohesion
London Borough of Tower Hamlets
Local Government
Public Sector
Health and Social Care
Social Inclusion / Community Cohesion
Major Police Authority
Public Sector
Organisational Development
Knowledge society
Children Young People Schools and Families
Education and Training
Metanoia Institute, Finland
Organisational Development
Methodist Church
Voluntary and Community
Money Advice Service
Museums, Libraries and Archives Council (MLA)
Public Sector
Knowledge society
National Archives Council
Public Sector
Knowledge society
Social Inclusion / Community Cohesion
National Assembly for Wales
Local Government
Public Sector
Social Inclusion / Community Cohesion
National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA)
Public Sector
Education and Training
NHS England
NHSIII (NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement)
Public Sector
Health and Social Care
Education and Training
Nottinghamshire County Council
Local Government
Public Sector
Children Young People Schools and Families
Office of Deputy Prime Minister, Neighbourhood Renewal Unit
Paul Hamlyn Foundation and the Mental Health Foundation
Policy Research Bureau / DfES
Project Oracle
Public Sector
Voluntary and Community
Children Young People Schools and Families
Public Health England
Rethink Mental Illness
Roma Support Group
Voluntary and Community
Children Young People Schools and Families
Social Inclusion / Community Cohesion
Education and Training
Social Care Institute for Excellence
Straight Talking (with funds from the DCFS and Barking and Dagenham PCT)
Symbia Healthy Start
The European Centre for Vocational Education and Training (CEDEFOP)
Knowledge society
Education and Training
The European Commission’s Education, Audiovisual and Cultural Executive Agency
The European Parliament
The Fatherhood Institute (funded by the Big Lottery Fund)
The King's Fund
The National Association for Primary Care (NAPC)
The National Lottery Community Fund
Public Sector
Social innovation
The Open University Business School (OUBS)
Public Sector
Knowledge society
Education and Training
The Wellbeing Project
UK Lottery Fund and the Museums Libraries and Archives Council
Wellcome Trust
Welsh Development Agency
Work Foundation