The Tavistock Institute & COVID-19

Research & Evaluation


The Tavistock Institute & COVID-19

Knowledge society
Mental health
Social innovation
Health and Social Care
Organisational Development
Children Young People Schools and Families
Social Inclusion / Community Cohesion
Education and Training
Leadership Development
Gender and Diversity
Central Government
Local Government
Private Sector
Public Sector
Voluntary and Community
Group Relations
Professional Development

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It is undeniable that the Covid-19 pandemic has drastically transformed the world in which we live.

Here at the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, we have adapted to work alongside the pandemic as opposed to against it. Whilst our workload has not slowed, we have had to adjust to a different way of working – moving a few of our Professional Development programmes online and carrying out the work for our research projects remotely. In doing so, we have faced new challenges that have consequently led to a shift in our perceptions of the work that we do; our research has taken on new forms. We are continuously learning alongside our partners and clients, as together we tackle what it means to successfully function not only during a pandemic but also in a post-COVID world. We have created this new section of the website to show you what we have been doing during the pandemic, as we invite you to learn, adapt and grow with us.

Selected activities and writing:

COVID-19 and work survey An invitation to participate in our second Covid-19 & work survey… Task – Authority- Organisation Birthing, Learning, Leading in a time of (post) Pandemic by Eliat Aram, CEO, Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. A Patchwork: Group Relations responses to COVID-19 A series of responses exploring how Group Relations thinking can help people and systems to explore the effects of the pandemic. Under the surface and far apart: the dynamics of discord in remote teams David Drabble presents his doctoral research into the dynamics of hidden discord in remote teams, which has been accelerated since the national lockdowns in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Breaking down binaries; promoting integrated health A holistic leadership view for a Covid resilient society by Eliat Aram, CEO, Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. A Learning Hub for the Coronavirus Community Support Fund (CCSF) The Tavistock Institute is working with Ipsos MORI, New Philanthropy Capital (NPC) and the Third Sector Research Centre who together have been commissioned to evaluate the Coronavirus Community Support Fund (CCSF). Survey results: Impact of COVID-19 From April to June this year, we conducted an international online survey of just over 250 professionals and qualitative interviews with 14 individuals that explored how the pandemic has impacted them. Lunchtime talk: Impact of Covid-19 on front-line practitioners A recent Lunchtime Talk by Anna Sophie Hahne, Georgie Parry-Crooke and Thomas Spielhofer, speaking about what we have found out from the TIHR Covid-19 research study. Leicester Conference 2020 Essentially the world has shut down most face-to-face work until 2021, so it was remarkable that the 74th Leicester Conference managed to take place face-to-face, over 14 days in August 2020. Making that happen was like a mathematical exploration. Working virtually with groups Exploring Role and Identity in the COVID-19 era – online Group Relations workshop.

Life during COVID times Children of Alcohol Dependent Parents.

The impact of COVID-19 on our communities and what we can learn What’s changing for you in your world of work? Results from this survey will be published soon.

COVID-19 and the Women and Girls Initiative Introducing a series of blogs and briefings that share up-to-date learning responding to the current context.

Reflecting on Leading in Uncertainty The Tavistock Institute's CEO Eliat Aram joins a webinar examining leadership in the complex times of Covid-19. An exploration of what it means to touch during a time of social distancing Lucian J. Hudson explores what it means to touch during a time of social distancing. Corona-Time Notes: The Virus of Horror Dr Yossi Triest paper concerns the psychological implications of this ‘plague’, focusing on Covid-19’s psychic counterpart – “the virus of horror”... COVID-19 and the upside of existential dread James Mackay on new ways of thinking, living and connecting: philosophy, ways of life, and …online courses. Group Relations Russia In April and September 2020, due to the Covid-19 pandemic that struck the world, Group Relations Russia and the Tavistock Institute successfully held online group relations conferences uncovering and working with online group dynamics. You can read a reflection on the September workshop here. Social Dreaming Matrix: – online dreaming sessions during COVID-19 Reflections, themes and findings from the sessions are shared (anonymously) via the Tavistock Institute’s Archive Project blog. Digital Exclusion in lockdown Reflections on lockdown and the impact of digital exclusion: not just socially distanced but digitally disconnected. Teamwork in the time of Coronavirus – join our Digital Surgery Understanding virtual group dynamics. Connecting and Communicating in the midst of a Pandemic – Lunchtime Talk A recording of an online Tavistock Institute lunchtime event that took place in May 2020; reflecting on living in the time of Coronavirus. Virtual Workplace Wellbeing – the Tavi-Stocktake The Tavi-Stocktake is a virtual review focussed on wellbeing and resilience to work through the Coronavirus pandemic.