The ‘Anthropological Thread’ in TIHR Archive
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Presented by Dr Elizabeth Cory-Pearce, Dr Sadie King and Dr Mannie Sher
The talk explores the proposition that an ‘anthropological thread’ runs through the history of our work as an organisation. Our starting point has been to delve into the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations’s archive at the Wellcome Library to pick up these ‘anthropological threads’ in the theoretical and applied work of past tasks. In time, we aim to bring these threads to light providing insight into the influence of anthropology on Tavistock ways of working. Beginning from the standpoint of our own biographies, we will be looking at some key historical figures and case studies that grapple with ‘the human element’ in, for example, calico textile mill productivity, shipping casualties and residential childcare, to offer you an anthropologically informed interpretation of Tavistock methods. Whilst as a multidisciplinary organisation we wouldn’t describe our approach as explicitly anthropological, a Tavistock commitment to immersive and participatory methods that make use of the self are to us three clearly confluent with our training in anthropology. Immersing oneself in an organisation – whether as a consultant engaged in the systemic workings of a global corporation, or a Group Relations participant immersed in the organisation they are creating in that moment, or as an evaluator stepping into the system of an intervention – we immerse and then record what is observed and experienced through a process of participation and reflection. Why might this be of relevance to our colleagues and the professional sector today? In a climate of market competition one method can get denigrated to elevate another and knock out the competition, so it’s understandable that clients may feel seduced by the ‘method of the moment’ and its promise of certainty. Evaluators may likewise feel under attack in such a climate, concerned to demonstrate the ‘bullet-proof’ validity of their findings. Yet Tavistock approaches, such as those embodied in Group Relations work and P3C consultancy training, teach us not to hide behind fetishes of authority. Instead, we aim to illustrate how we can draw on our rich methodological heritage to remain true to our training, in order to distinguish ourselves by our longstanding commitment to staying with our clients, as we move towards a shared objective of better understanding.