Gender Pay Gap
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Gender inequality is a complex socio-economic phenomenon and the gender pay gap is a clear and persistent impact and indicator of this inequality.
The gender pay gap has gained relevance on EU and national political agendas, but more effective and constant analysis and policy options are needed to eliminate it. The aim of the Gender Pay Gap project is to develop transnational strategies and alliances with trade unions, gender equality bodies and civil society to tackle the gender pay gap. Research, networking, mutual learning, implementation of initiatives, awareness-raising and dissemination activities will contribute to the development of deeper appreciation of the problem and the possibility of arising new solutions or activities to be implemented. Working with a number of partners, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (TIHR) is contributing to the theoretical and practical exchange of knowledge between researchers, trade unions, activists and other stakeholders from Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Estonia, Germany and Spain as well as representatives from European institutions including the ETUC (European Trade Union Confederation). The aim of the project is to encourage a further understanding of the roots of the problem and to promote activities and strategies to narrow the gender pay gap. Our role in the project is multiple: