All the world’s a stage…
The Leicester Conference 2022
The Leicester Conference: Task Authority Organisation invites us to engage in a new way, studying the capillary, tentacular and rhizomatic in organisations. As Shakespeare said in As You Like It, Act 2 scene 7: “All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players”. We invite you to come and join the cast of staff for an immersive theatre experience. The Leicester Conference 2022 invites us to engage in a new way: it is a form of improvised community theatre - your role is in your hands as we co-create an ensemble 14-day production. Why are we inviting you to think and act in a new way? The world is in transition. Our social systems are more Brittle, our leaders are more Anxious, our sense of time and the pace of change is Non-Linear, the nature of the problems we face are almost Incomprehensible. As such our world is moving from a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) era to a BANI (Brittle, Anxious, Non-Linear and Incomprehensible) context. For 65 years, the Leicester Conference has been preparing the context for role holders from many different organisations and contexts to understand and prepare to work at depth and in collective and collaborative ways. Come to the conference to study, and gain strength to face the unpredictability that lies ahead. As the Socio-Technical, ecological and systems thinking have now entered our leadership discourses, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations is unfolding its Group Relations Programme to go deeper into the question of what does it mean to be a human being? How do we conceive of the layers of our existence that are not measurable or even visible? It is an ongoing working hypothesis that there are forces, below our awareness that in their invisibility, drive all that we see. We are facing a new dawn, we need new resources – perhaps they lie deeper, in the realm of the imagination. The stage awaits you, no lights or cameras, just pure creative ACTION……. 30 July – 12 August 2022: in 2 acts with a 36-hour intermission Act 1: 30 July - 4 Aug Intermission Act 2: 6 - 12 Aug Held at Lane End Conference Centre, near Heathrow airport and central London and a #SafeonSite environment. Download the brochure With a Working conference for those with none or some experience and a Deepening Praxis Training Group for those who have attended 2 or more residential Group Relations Conferences, at least one of which was a Leicester Conference. For practical details and more information about the conference, please contact Leah Ashton-Hurst if you have any questions or you’d like to express an interest. You can apply here. To receive the brochure (in preparation) and news about the Leicester conference and/or our 3-monthly Newsletter, join our mailing list – you can choose what you receive.